Posts in Education
Finance in a Flash: What is "The Market"?

In this episode of Finance In A Flash, Nick & Chip discuss one of the most used phrases in all of finance, "The Market". What are people actually referring to when they say things like; "The market is crashing today!", "The market is down 1000 points", or "Stocks are soaring!"? Nick and Chip unpack the different indexes people may be referring to when they mention "The Market" and why you shouldn't always correlate the performance of "The Market" with your overall portfolio.

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The CARES Act: An Overview

On Friday, March 27, 2020, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act was signed into law. This $2 trillion emergency relief package is intended to assist individuals and businesses during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and accompanying economic crisis. Here is a brief summary of some of the major provisions.

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Do you need a Trust for your children?

Most parents take certain steps to protect their children in the event of their premature death. Drafting a will, designating a guardian, obtaining life insurance and naming appropriate beneficiary designations on IRAs and 401k plans are all important components of an effective estate plan. However, most parents should take additional measures to provide guidance on how their financial assets are managed for their children’s benefit.

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What do commission-free trades mean for you?

Brokerage firms Charles Schwab & Co. and TD Ameritrade recently announced that they would stop charging brokerage commissions on trades for exchange traded funds and even stocks. Some of you may have wondered what impact this will have on you and also will we (Beacon) make any changes to your portfolio as a result.

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