Posts in Podcast
Financial Planning Opportunities Amid Market Downturns: Tax-Loss Harvesting

On this episode of Finance In A Flash we continue our series on Financial Planning Opportunities Amid Market Downturns by covering Tax-Loss Harvesting. We go through the details of Tax-Loss Harvesting and the benefits of using this strategy during times when your investments have losses.

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Financial Planning Opportunities Amid Market Downturns: Rebalancing

On this episode of Finance In A Flash, Chip & Nick discuss the benefits of rebalancing your portfolio amid a market downturn. When the stock market declines, so does the stock percentage in your portfolio, meaning you have to buy more stocks to get to your target asset allocation. This can be advantageous in various ways, to which we discuss in this episode!

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Podcast: Finance in a Flash

The purpose of this podcast is to help you, our listener, feel financially empowered. Empowered that you are making the right financial planning decisions, taking advantage of opportunities that exist and avoiding common pitfalls or distractions that may arise along the way. We will spend most of our time discussing the point where financial planning, taxes and investing converge.

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