Posts in Podcast
Finance in a Flash: Should I Buy Dividend Paying Stocks To Supplement My Income?

In this episode of Finance In A Flash we discuss a simple, yet popular question; “Should I buy dividend-paying stocks to supplement my income?” The answer to this question varies on a person-by-person basis, but for most, the answer is a resounding no. Let us explain on this podcast!

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Finance in a Flash: Financial Jargon

On this episode of Finance In A Flash Nick & Chip discuss Financial Jargon. They break down common words used in the finance industry, that people may have heard before, but don’t actually know what they mean! They go over terms such as asset allocation, stocks, risk tolerance, personal brokerage accounts, and market capitalization just to name a few!

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Finance in a Flash: ETFs vs. Mutual Funds

In this episode of Finance In A Flash, Nick & Chip discuss the most popular types of investment vehicles in the world, Mutual Funds & ETFs. What are the differences between the two and are there advantages or disadvantages to using them? In addition, they spend a lot of time talking about the tax efficiency of ETFs and how Mutual Funds can be incredibly tax-inefficient at times.

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Finance in a Flash: Is There A bubble In The Stock Market?

This week we tackle a very important and popular question people are asking: "Is there a bubble in stocks or the stock market?" We also discuss various strategies you should take and questions you should ask yourself when feeling uncertain about the future of the stock market.

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Finance in a Flash: The Story of Gamestop and Important Lessons Learne‪d‬

In this episode of Finance In A Flash, Nick & Chip discuss the story of Gamestop and how it has captivated the world over the past week. Thanks to a Reddit thread pointing out that a large hedge fund had a massive short position on Gamestop, the stock price rose almost 2,000% within a week! We break down how this happened and the important lessons everyone should take away from these recent events.

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Finance in a Flash: What Are Target Date Funds?

Welcome back to Finance In A Flash, this week we bring back our investment expert, Chip Hymiller to discuss Target Date Funds. We have a detailed discussion about Target Date Funds, the pros and cons of having them in your portfolio, and what to consider when choosing this type of investment.

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Finance in a Flash: Pension Plans

On this episode of Finance In A Flash, Nick & Erin discuss pension plans. Not many people have Pensions anymore, but we do see a fair amount in the federal and state retirement system as well as some holdovers from private companies. We are going to go over topics such as Annuity Style vs. Lump-sum pension, Survivor Options as it relates to pensions, and we also discuss leaving pensions to your spouse.

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Finance in a Flash: So You Want To Retire?

What do we think about when doing a Retirement projection? Someone walks into our office and says to us"I want to retire" or "I want to prepare for retirement", what do we do from there? In this episode of Finance In A Flash, Erin Campbell joins Nick Faulkner to walks us through this process and discuss the details of how we prepare a retirement plan.

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Finance in a Flash: How Should You Think About Debt When Gearing Up For Retirement?

On this episode of Finance In A Flash, Nick & Erin discuss a very important topic in the Financial Planning world: Debt. They discuss a variety of questions such as; What is considered good debt or bad debt? Which type of debt should you pay off first? When you should look at refinancing your home, and much more!

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Finance in a Flash: How Does Your Cash Flow Impact Your Retirement Plan?

On this episode of Finance In A Flash, we talk through cash flow and the enormous impact it can have on your retirement plan. To help walk us through this important topic we bring back our tax and planning expert Erin Campbell. Throughout this episode we discuss the three phases of retirement, common cash-flow myths, and much more!

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Finance in a Flash: When Should I Take Social Security?

On this episode of Finance In A Flash, we discuss one of the most frequently asked questions people have when considering retirement or when they are currently retired; "When Should I Take Social Security?". To help us tackle this important question we bring in Erin Campbell our tax and planning expert!

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Finance In a Flash: 401ks and FAQs

On this episode of Finance In A Flash, Nick and Chip discuss the importance of contributing to 401k's and their benefits. They go through 401k frequently asked questions, tax benefits of 401k's, and have a quick discussion on how you should view investment options within your 401k plan. Chip and Nick then discuss what you should do if you have an old or inactive 401k plan and whether or not you should consider rolling it over to your new 401k plan or roll it over into an IRA. Lastly, always remember to check your beneficiary designations on your 401k plans!

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Finance in a Flash: What is "The Market"?

In this episode of Finance In A Flash, Nick & Chip discuss one of the most used phrases in all of finance, "The Market". What are people actually referring to when they say things like; "The market is crashing today!", "The market is down 1000 points", or "Stocks are soaring!"? Nick and Chip unpack the different indexes people may be referring to when they mention "The Market" and why you shouldn't always correlate the performance of "The Market" with your overall portfolio.

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Finance In A Flash: Should I Adjust My Asset Allocation?

On this episode of Finance In A Flash, Nick and Chip discuss a question that a lot of people have been asking during this turbulent time in the market; "Should I adjust my asset allocation?". They start with the basics of describing how they think about asset allocation throughout a person's lifetime and then transition into instances when it may or may not be an appropriate time to adjust your portfolio's asset allocation.

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Finance in a Flash: Why You Should Hire A Tax Professional

On this episode of Finance In A Flash, we introduce another member of our staff at Beacon, Erin Campbell. Erin is a principal and a co-founder here at Beacon, who also has her CFP & CPA designations. We discuss the advantages of having a tax professional on your side and the possible pitfalls people may face when doing taxes themselves.

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Financial Planning Opportunities Amid Market Downturns: Planning Techniques

On this episode of Finance In A Flash, we conclude our series titled: Financial Planning Opportunities Amid Market downturns. Throughout the episode, we cover several planning techniques such as Roth Conversions, Refinancing your mortgage, and reevaluating your budget, especially if you are in the distribution phase.

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