Finance in a Flash: Should I Buy Dividend Paying Stocks To Supplement My Income?

In this episode of Finance In A Flash we discuss a simple, yet popular question; “Should I buy dividend-paying stocks to supplement my income?” The answer to this question varies on a person-by-person basis, but for most, the answer is a resounding no. Let us explain on this podcast!

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Finance in a Flash: Financial Jargon

On this episode of Finance In A Flash Nick & Chip discuss Financial Jargon. They break down common words used in the finance industry, that people may have heard before, but don’t actually know what they mean! They go over terms such as asset allocation, stocks, risk tolerance, personal brokerage accounts, and market capitalization just to name a few!

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Retirement Plans for Small Business Owners

Small business owners have a number of alternatives to choose from when it comes to establishing retirement plans for their business. Each plan type can vary in their contribution level and matching requirements, as well as their ongoing regulatory and administrative burden.

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Finance in a Flash: ETFs vs. Mutual Funds

In this episode of Finance In A Flash, Nick & Chip discuss the most popular types of investment vehicles in the world, Mutual Funds & ETFs. What are the differences between the two and are there advantages or disadvantages to using them? In addition, they spend a lot of time talking about the tax efficiency of ETFs and how Mutual Funds can be incredibly tax-inefficient at times.

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Estate Planning with Roth IRAs

Roth IRAs are great savings mechanisms and can be used effectively for retirement and education planning. One of the less publicized advantages to Roth IRAs is that they can be a great estate planning technique when someone wants to pass along as much as possible to their heirs.

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Protecting Your Earning Power - A Primer on Disability Insurance

Insurance issues are one of the most confusing areas that people address. What would be the financial impact on your family if there were a loss of income due to a physical or mental disability? This article addresses important considerations to help you decide if you need disability insurance.

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Finance in a Flash: Is There A bubble In The Stock Market?

This week we tackle a very important and popular question people are asking: "Is there a bubble in stocks or the stock market?" We also discuss various strategies you should take and questions you should ask yourself when feeling uncertain about the future of the stock market.

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Common Types of Trusts Used in Estate Planning

Many financial planning objectives can be accomplished through the utilization of trusts.  Here are several of the most common types of trusts and a brief overview of their purpose…

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Finance in a Flash: The Story of Gamestop and Important Lessons Learne‪d‬

In this episode of Finance In A Flash, Nick & Chip discuss the story of Gamestop and how it has captivated the world over the past week. Thanks to a Reddit thread pointing out that a large hedge fund had a massive short position on Gamestop, the stock price rose almost 2,000% within a week! We break down how this happened and the important lessons everyone should take away from these recent events.

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CAA Provides Relief to Individuals and Businesses

The Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) offers many tax provisions to assist in the ongoing economic crisis. Many of the provisions affect not only the 2020 tax return but into future years as well.

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Finance in a Flash: What Are Target Date Funds?

Welcome back to Finance In A Flash, this week we bring back our investment expert, Chip Hymiller to discuss Target Date Funds. We have a detailed discussion about Target Date Funds, the pros and cons of having them in your portfolio, and what to consider when choosing this type of investment.

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Will You Retire in 2021?

Have you decided to retire in 2021? If so, congratulations—it’s a big step and for most, it’s a once in a lifetime decision. Even if you’ve planned ahead, you may still be a little apprehensive about this monumental life transition. Here are a few last minute things to consider or confirm as you embark on this new and wonderful journey.

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