The Rules are Changing (Again!) for Required Minimum Distributions

The SECURE Act 2.0 altered the onset of Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) from age 72 to age 73. However, the law made no change to the Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) rules. So, while a RMD is not required until age 73, a taxpayer over age 70 ½ is allowed to distribute directly from their IRA to their favorite charity and avoid taxation.

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It’s Time to Check Your Money Market Rates!

Interest rates have risen significantly over the course of the last year. So, you would expect that interest rates on savings and money market accounts would have followed suit.  However, it seems that many banks have yet to adjust the interest rates they pay to customers on deposit accounts like savings and money market. 

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Inheriting an IRA? Know the Distribution Rules

With the passage of the SECURE Act, distribution requirements for beneficiaries changed dramatically. Now, non-spousal beneficiaries are required to distribute the entire balance of an inherited IRA within 10 years! This could present an enormous tax burden for those beneficiaries.

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Estate Planning Series: Wills

Are you worried that your estate plan is inadequate or needs updating? Do you need a will, but are worried that you don’t know enough to answer an attorney’s questions? Learn more about the importance of having a will and understand how wills are utilized as a component of your estate plan.

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Intra-Family Planning: 5 Wealth Transfer Strategies to Consider

Through hard work and sound financial planning, some find themselves in situations in which they are contemplating intra-family financial planning. That is, identifying financial planning techniques that can be used to financially strengthen the next generation—children and grandchildren.

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Be Proactive When Helping Aging Parents with their Finances

Let’s face it, in today’s world, managing your personal financial affairs can be complex. There are many decisions that need to be made on a weekly or even daily basis. For a large and growing segment of the population, who are trying to help aging parents with their finances, this can be incredibly frustrating, stressful and burdensome.

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Pension Decisions - Consider Your Options

There is no doubt that pensions are an extremely important asset and making decisions regarding these plans can be daunting and stressful. This is especially true since pension decisions are irrevocable! This article addresses common questions that should be considered when making decisions about your pension.

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Financial Markets Update - Action Items to Consider

Beacon recently hosted a live webinar to update clients and friends about the financial markets and current economic conditions. We also provided some financial planning strategies to consider that could have a meaningful impact over the long term.

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Long Term Care Insurance—What You Need to Know

Long term care costs are expensive and rising every year. For many, a two or three year stay in a skilled nursing facility could cost several hundred thousand dollars and potentially wipe out a retirement nest egg. Find out the things you should know when it comes to long term care and long term care insurance.

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