Parents with special needs children can face a unique set of financial challenges. However, like all financial challenges, it is important to take measures early to financially prepare for the future
Read MoreOn this episode of Finance In A Flash, Nick & Erin begin our series on Mid-Career Professionals. We discuss why Cash Flow, Budgeting, and having adequate Emergency Funds are extremely important and how they can impact your future plans for retirement!
Read MoreOn this episode of Finance In A Flash, Nick & Chip discuss the varying types of investment accounts and the pros and cons of each. Investment accounts that were discussed include; personal brokerage accounts, Roth IRAs, Traditional IRAs, and 401ks.
Read MoreAsset "location" - which types of investments should be held in which accounts -is different based on your stage in life. An accumulator and a retiree should have a different investment strategy.
Read MoreOn this episode of Finance In A Flash, Nick Faulkner interviews Beacon's Planning & Operations Manager, Stephanie Murray. We really hope you enjoy this episode and get to know more about Stephanie as she talks about her personal life, her professional history, and how she contributes to Beacon's success.
Read MoreIn this episode of Finance In A Flash, we discuss the new 10-year Inherited IRA rules set forth by the SECURE Act in 2020. Chip and Nick discuss what this means for people who have inherited an IRA after 2020, and what scenarios or opportunities you should think about when withdrawing funds from your Inherited IRA.
Read MoreDo you have a well-defined investment philosophy? Is your philosophy grounded in academically proven research, or is it influenced by recent events, the media, or individuals promoting an investment product?
Read MoreWhile the US hasn’t experienced a period of high inflation since the late 1970s, is it possible that we are in the beginning stages of an inflationary cycle?
Read MoreWithout the security of a stable paycheck, many new retirees may feel less than confident about relying on their investment portfolio to cover living expenses for the next 20 (or more) years. Research has shown that the timing of one’s retirement can be important – especially as it relates to investment returns in the early years of retirement.
Read MoreSmall business owners have a number of alternatives to choose from when it comes to establishing retirement plans for their business. Each plan type can vary in their contribution level and matching requirements, as well as their ongoing regulatory and administrative burden.
Read MoreOn this bonus episode of Finance In A Flash, Nick interviews Beacon's Client Services Representative, John Matto. We really hope you enjoy this episode and get to know more about John as he talks about his personal life, how he goes into financial planning, and where he sees himself in the future.
Read MoreHere is a replay of our June 17th, 2021 webinar! During this webinar, Beacon’s Investment Team provides their unique perspective on a wide range of investment related topics including…
Read MoreIn this episode of Finance In A Flash, Nick & Chip continue the Insurance Planning Series and discuss "Annuities". They go through a general overview of annuities and discuss the three major types of annuities: Immediate Annuities, Fixed Annuities, and Variable Annuities.
Read MoreShould your portfolio be invested in dividend paying stocks during retirement? This answer always varies, but for most the answer is NO! Let us explain…
Read MoreOn this episode of Finance In A Flash, we continue our insurance planning series by Discussing "Disability Insurance". Nick and Chip go over commonly asked questions and discuss the specifics of Disability Insurance policies as well.
Read MoreWe believe that life insurance serves an integral role in a family’s overall financial health. While there are many rules of thumb that attempt to give people an idea of how much coverage is necessary, we generally prefer a more strategic and quantitative approach.
Read MoreOn this episode of Finance In A Flash, we continue our Insurance Planning series by discussing Long-Term Care Insurance (LTC). If you are nearing retirement or already retired you should seriously look into this just because of the rising costs of nursing homes and skilled nursing care.
Read MoreAn adequately planned and properly executed estate plan can ensure that your assets will pass directly to your intended heirs with the least amount of cost and hassle. Here are seven essential elements when establishing a sound estate plan:
Read MoreThe idea is simple—get enough life insurance to protect your family from the potentially devastating impact of an unexpected death. While the concept is straight-forward, as with many components of financial planning, deciding on the appropriate type and coverage level of life insurance is not quite that easy.
Read MoreIn this episode of Finance In A Flash, we begin our Insurance Planning Series by discussing Life Insurance. We believe that life insurance serves an integral role in a family's overall financial health and answer important questions about life insurance including:
What are some reasons someone would need life insurance?
How much life insurance does someone need and what are factors when determining this?
Why is it a good idea to get life insurance sooner rather than later?
What is the difference between term and permanent life insurance?